Tuesday 11 February 2014

The Kenyatta University Engineering and technology Hobbyst Lab

 Part of the Kenyatta University students in the school of Engineering and Technology sat down and discovered that it was essential to form a hobbyist group. Since they had made that option as a small group of third year students in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, they saw it wise to make it run under the ESA- Engineering Students Association group recognized by the school. Some of the objectives of the group were to apply the theory learnt in lectures to practice immediately before going to practicums, learning new techniques out of the course outline, networking by creating and attending Engineering workshops and sourcing more electronics/engineering equipment for projects and practice.

 The main objective is to bring a shine to the school of Engineering and Technology, thereby making it prominent nation wise and internationally. The group maximizes on projects/ideas being done by students. Different departments were created within the group, led by a few fellow students. Some of the areas created included the web design, arduino programming, computer programming, electronics and robotics. We are proud to say that the idea was successfully welcomed by a good number of Engineering students. A few meetings have successfully taken place on Thursdays at the Engineering drawing room. It is fortunate that is has raised students concern and curiosity to practice new ideas like Web designing and Arduino programming. A few of the engineering students are already started in creating their own blogs via this link sent to them to their emails. We are happy to see the group growing bigger and hope to expand it to include all students from each and every department in the school. We encourage all its members to continue with the same spirit and acknowledge all the staff who are positively contributing to the group's development in anyway. The group is also looking forward for the school support so as to accomplish its objectives and leave a landmark in The Kenyatta University School of Engineering and Technology.

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